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How to build bigger chest muscle in 8 weeks full program

Add more inches to your chest muscle would be great if you had small chest muscle and you want it to grow massive and build strength to your chest this program is designed to hitting your chest muscles

with massive workout and diet plan to help you to grow your chest faster

This program had three different approaches

1 - build strength to your chest 

strength is vital to your program build strong muscle will allow you to add more size to it

and strength is built by lift the heaviest weight you can lift to simple it 

you had to figure out the maximum weight you can lift to perform one good rep 

then you move to 80 % of that weight to perform the exercises we will show to

the maximum weight  for one rep could be not easy to figure out, so you run some tests to 

chose it right and didn't miss up.

2 - build size to your chest.

add size to any muscle is about to build it wider and thickness and to do that you need

two main things more tires on your muscles and more blood flow to them to 

help them get recover fast and deliver them the food they need

in this program, we will do this by add chest muscles training sessions up to two times a week 

one session will about build strength and make them totally destroyed

the second session will about recovery and deliver nutrition to your muscles 

blood flow will boost your muscles to grow up throw delivering water to your 


3 - let your chest grow with rest and a good diet plan 

the diet plan should increase your calories intake for maximum achievement 

you should raise your protein level to 50% to 60% of your meal

and should also raise your carb to 35% and healthy fat to 15% 

drink more water than 12 cups per day to increase your blood flow and have a good digesting 


The first 4 weeks in our program should build strength to your chest muscle

you will hit your chest with 2 days of workout per week first training will be heavyweight 

and fewer reps and sets per workout 

sconed training will be lightweight workout day should go with lighter weight and 

more reps and sets per workout.


For the next 2 weeks will reshape your chest muscles to get more size and definition

we will focus on different angles and more get your maximum to grow beastly 

it will be one chest workout per week and focus on the training system and 

training advanced methods like supersets and help to get more reps.


For the next 2 weeks is about to get the recovery you will also train your chest 

one time a week and let your chest grow after killing it with 6 weeks of hard training

you will see a lot of difference in your chest muscles and the result will amaze you 

so we will focus on a lot of reps and more sets.

lest start with your training 

The Strength Day 

exercise                                     sets                reps           weight 

bench press                                 1                   10            50% of your weight you can lift for one rep

bench press                                  2                   6              85% of your weight you can lift for one rep

incline bench press                      2                   6             85% of your weight you can lift for one rep

decline bench press                      2                   4             85% of your weight you can lift for one rep

pec deck                                       2                   6              85% of your weight you can lift for one rep

Take 3 minutes of rest between sets.

The first exercise is warming up this training has 9 sets and will build your strength.

Test your weights to figure out your maximum weight to do one rep.

You should take one day off before the heavyweight day.  

The lightweight day

exercise                                     sets                reps           weight 

Bench press                                 4                   10            50% of your weight you can lift for one rep

incline bench press                      3                   25             85% of your weight you can lift for one rep

decline bench press                      2                   25             85% of your weight you can lift for one rep

fly on a flat bench                        2                   25              85% of your weight you can lift for one rep

Take 1-2 munites rest between sets 

Don't push your muscles to failure on any set.

That workout day is about to get maximum blood flow and recovery so you see 

25 reps per set should give you the result.

You should take one day off before the lightweight day.

your schedule of training should be like that 

first 4 weeks 

Monday   heavy day of chest training 

Tuesday     legs 

Wednesday  rest 

Thursday light day of chest training 

Friday shoulders and arms 

Saturday back and abs 

Sunday rest 

build up your strength 

you should lift heavy it will be challenging to pick the right weight have 3 minutes rest between your sets and your reps should go between 4 - 6 reps

your lightweight day 

should be the pump day pick the 40% of the weight you can do one rep and go for 25 reps per set

your rest between sets will be 1-2 minutes.

Bench press

Tips: don't do it fast after you grip the bar to your chest stop it slowly then push it back squeeze your chest muscles at the end of the movement.

incline bench press 

decline bench press with smith bar 

use smith bar for more security with heavyweight

pec deck

The growth of your chest muscles 

the next 2 weeks you will train your chest once a week to enforce your recovery and 

to get the best result you will increase the number of your sets and do it with heavyweight 

for 6  reps to the failure but will also be mixed with sets with high reps with lightweight 

the high reps will help your muscles to get big and it increases your growth hormone

it also a Compound exercise and will hit your chest muscles at different angles.

The 5- 6  week schedule 

bench press                                 2                   20            

incline bench press                      5                   6            

decline bench press                     5                   6         

cable cross                                   5                   6       

bench pullover with cable                            3                   8


for the three training incline bench press, decline bench press, and cable cross

you will do the last two sets of them with lightweight and high reps to get to

muscles fail faster.

The 7 - 8 week  schedule 

bench press                                                            2                           20

incline bench press with dumbbells                       5                           6-15

bench fly with dumbbells                                        

decline bench press  with dumbbells                  5                   6     

bench pullover with dumbbells

Dips with weights 

seated cable cross

cable cross                                        5                   6       



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